Welcome to Americans United for Peaceful Separation!
We are a group of individuals and organizations throughout the union who realize that it is no longer reasonable to force 340 million unique people to live together under one set of laws. We have distinct cultures, ideologies and beliefs of right and wrong. We realize that we will never convince each other to see things our way. The only peaceful solution to the divisions that threaten the civility of our communities is to peacefully go our own separate ways - an amicable divorce, if you will.
We welcome you to join us!
Secession in the News
We Can't All Get Along: What's Driving Modern Secession Movements (governing.com)
New Poll: 66 Million Americans Support Idea of 'National Divorce' – RedState
1 in 5 Americans support national divorce or secession: Poll - TheBlaze
Ramaswamy: 'We May Be Heading on Our Way to a National Divorce' (breitbart.com)
The Threat of Secession in Modern America - American Thinker
Horowitz: Let my people go:
Is it time to redraw state boundaries? - TheBlaze
How the Next Civil War Begins - Tablet Magazine
Broken America: National Divorce. Jesse Kelly (castbox.fm)
Democracy Is Dying. Is It Time for a National Divorce? (theepochtimes.com)
‘Greater Idaho’ Moves Closer to Bi-State Referendum As Two More Oregon Counties Vote to Leave (theepochtimes.com)
On June 21, 2022
at this year's Porcfest in northern New Hampshire a historic event was held,
with another all-star secession panel featuring
Americans United for Peaceful Separation co-chairs,
Steven Axelman and Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller,
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence President Alu Axelman,
Calexit President Marcus Ruiz Evans,
NH State Reps. Mike Sylvia and Matt Santonastaso (sponsors of CACR32 in the NH Legislature),
Texas State Representative Kyle Biedermann (sponsor of a resolution in the Texas legislature to hold a referendum on Texas Independence)
and New Hampshire Independence PAC Chairman Matt Sabourin.
For the video of this event, click here
In the past months or so, there has been a lot of activity concerning peaceful separation, in many areas of the country, as well as pro-peaceful separation statements from pundits and other famous people. Below are links to some:
Are we headed for a civil war? (wnd.com)
Are We Looking At Another Civil War? (townhall.com)
Mathews: California needs to prepare to secede from the nation (mercurynews.com)
Will abortion decision revive Calexit? (vcstar.com)
Richard West: Time for the USA to consider partition? (gazettenet.com)
Letter to the editor: Let Texas go | Letters to the Editor | bakersfield.com
With the end of Roe, the US edges closer and closer to civil war | Stephen Marche
America Is Growing Apart, Possibly for Good - The Atlantic
WAYNE ROOT: The Perfect Roe vs Wade Ruling by Supreme Court Will Lead to Perfect Solution for America’s Divide: DIVORCE, American-Style (thegatewaypundit.com)
Bill Maher says we live in 'two different countries' after Roe v. Wade reversal
It's Time to Walk Away from a Hopelessly Corrupt Federal Government that Facilitates Biden’s Destruction of America (thegatewaypundit.com)
On March 10th,
the Constitutional Amendment proposal (CACR32) to allow citizens to vote on peacefully separating from the U.S. was discussed and voted on in the NH Legislature
TNM's President Daniel Miller,
Foundation for New Hampshire Independence's President Alu Axelman,
Calexit/YesCalifornia's President Marcus Ruiz Evans
and Carlos S. from Mexico discuss their respective Independence Movements

Calls for national divorce are not coming only from the right!
New Hampshire Joins Texas on the Road to Independence
Ted Cruz: Independent Texas Would "Take NASA, Take The Oil, Take The Military,"
Joe Rogan Could Be President | Video | RealClearPolitics
Ted Cruz Wants Texas to Secede if U.S. Comes to a 'Point Where It's Hopeless'
Daniel Miller
discusses Texit with Chris Salcedo
The News and Why it Matters with David Reaboi and Michael Malice discussing secession October 13, 2021
Glenn Beck discussing secession October 13, 2021
Marcus Ruiz Evans of Calexit interviews
New Hampshire State Representative Mike Sylvia, who introduced a proposal to amend the NH constitution to make NH an independent country
Dan Bongino's podcast 10/4/21--Is it time for national divorce?
Some Good News ... More Americans Supporting Separating Into Two Countries - Granite Grok
Daniel Horowitz on his podcast September 23rd 2021
National Divorce is the only solution!!!!
Anyone who is not talking about that is wasting your time!!!!
Marcus Ruiz Evans of Calexit discusses latest news on secession
NH Representative Mike Sylvia and Alu Axelman
from Liberty Block discuss the NH Independence proposal
on www.freedomsphoenix.com
Tim Pool discussing
secession and NH September 17, 2021

Historic Constitutional Amendment Filed for NH to Exit United States | Free Keene
Angered by feds’ heavy hand,
lawmaker wants New Hampshire to vote on seceding from U.S. | Just The News
'Enough is enough': Lawmaker pushes state to secede from Biden's America (wnd.com)
Lawmaker wants New Hampshire to declare independence | thecentersquare.com
New Hampshire Reps planning to propose secession amendment to NH Constitution!
New Hampshire Lawmakers Consider Proposal to Secede From the United States | TIMCAST IRL

On June 24th at Porcfest, in a first of its kind event,
Daniel Miller, the President of the Texas Nationalist Movement, Carla Gericke of the Foundation for NH Independence
and Marcus Ruiz Evans, the President of Calexit/YesCalifornia (on Zoom) came together by invitation of The Liberty Block,
Americans United for Peaceful Separation and NHExit,
and presented on the need for and
the path to peaceful separation for their respective States.
They also answered questions from the audience on the
arguments against and challenges to the possibility of secession.
For complete video of this event, click here.
Michael Malice and Kristin Tate (both of whom are popular writers and political commentators in the conservative/libertarian/anarchist movements) endorse secession
Recent great articles discussing secession!
It's Time to Break Up New York State | Mises Wire
National Divorce Is Expensive, But It's Worth Every Penny - by David Reaboi
The Great Divorce: Divided We Stand › American Greatness
Do Red and Blue States Want A Divorce? (rumble.com)
So You Want A National Divorce, Huh? Are You Sure? | The American Spectator
The Declaration talks of abolishing bad government -- time to do so again? (wnd.com)
Former Trump aide makes case for red counties seeking blue state secession to do so
Secessionist, Border Realignment Movements Gaining Traction in US - Epochtimes
Do The Democrats Want Civil War Or Revolution? | Canada Free Press
Is Support for a 'National Divorce' on the Rise? | 7/19/21 | Steve Deace Show
(see also: https://tinyurl.com/a9dyss6r and Poll shows some Americans would entertain the idea of secession)
The great American divorce | The Week
The Small Secessions of the New Civil War | Canada Free Press
Subjugation, Dissolution, or Renewed Federalism? - American Thinker
Why the Pledge of Allegiance Is Un-American - Foundation for Economic Education
The New Secession Crisis--The Democrats have already left the Union
The United States so reviles itself, it might actually break up | British GQ
MSNBC Touts Extremist Far-Left Militia That Wants to Secede From U.S. | Newsbusters
Is the US Breaking Apart? | Why Some Conservatives Want to Form New States
The Idea Of Secession Isn't Going Away | ZeroHedge
Right to Secede -- Mises Wire
A New America? Poll Finds Support for ‘Regions’ of States
Stimulus checks have Americans in agreement,
but country bitterly split on everything else
Yes California / Calexit is proudly affiliated with Americans For Peaceful Separation
NHEXIT is proudly affiliated
with Americans For Peaceful Separation

(None of the people or organizations listed below are affiliated with
AUPS in any way nor should there listing below imply this in any way)
Greater Idaho

Idaho legislature considers absorbing part of Oregon (wnd.com)
Could Idaho state lines change? Idaho officials weigh in on moving Oregon's border (10news.com)
Five Counties Are Trying To Leave Left Wing Oregon And Become Part Of Idaho (thegatewaypundit.com)
Five Oregon counties to vote on leaving state, escaping to 'Greater Idaho' - Washington Times
Move Oregon's Border for a greater Idaho
Distressed by Portland Unrest, Rural Oregon Citizens Launch Petition to Become ‘Greater Idaho’ | CNSNews
'Let Our People Go': Rural Oregon Residents Petition To Secede and Join Trump-Backing Idaho (westernjournal.com)
Oregon Counties Vote To Secede from Liberal-Controlled State (westernjournal.com)
Two Oregon Counties Petition To Join Idaho Over Political Differences | The Daily Caller
Group petitions to join this state, blaming Oregon's liberal Democrats | Fox News
Some Coloradoans Want to Break Off and Join Wyoming.
They Should at Least Get to Vote On It. | Mises Wire
Colorado group seeks to break off Weld County, secede to Wyoming

Are Democrats Creating Two Americas?
Left-Wing Nation Essay Calls for ‘Blue-State Secession’
The Fight That Lies Between Status Quo and Secession
A Different Type of Secession Is Already Happening in the USA
California recall or secession? Rural anger builds against Gavin Newsom (washingtonexaminer.com)
Make the united states plural again
‘We’re Living in a Gigantic Lie’—Dennis Prager | American Thought Leaders - YouTube (after minute 21)
There soon might not be a country to secede from (mailchi.mp)
Poll: 40% of Biden supporters expect brand-new 'civil war' (wnd.com)
We Were Made for Civil War | The American Conservative
The civil war has already begun (wnd.com)
The solution is a revolution, not an election! (wnd.com)
Has America's Second Civil War Already Started in Portland? (pjmedia.com)
Civil war becomes inevitable in the USA, by Thierry Meyssan (voltairenet.org)
This is War - American Thinker
From World War to Civil War? - American Thinker
The Never-Ending Threat of Civil War (americanthinker.com)
Is a Second Civil War Coming? (americanthinker.com)
Democrats Are Pushing America Into Civil War - American Thinker
Regardless of who is elected, it'll be civil war (wnd.com)
On The Left And Right, Talk Of Civil War Is Everywhere Heading Into 2020 | The Daily Caller
Civil war? Voters say we’re getting close - MarketWatch
Have We Reached The Point Of Irreconcilable Differences Where Divorce Or Civil War Will Be The Only Action Left? (canadafreepress.com)
Should Conservatives Prepare for Civil War? by Matt Vespa (townhall.com)
No Matter Who Wins in 2020, There Will Be Blood (americanthinker.com)
Could this be America’s last birthday before a civil war or democratic secession? | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
Why Changing The Way We See The Civil War Will Help Us Preserve Our Country | Talking Points Memo
The Civil War on America's Horizon | The American Conservative
America finally united – on prospect of 'civil war' (wnd.com)
It's Time for a National Divorce | Mises Wire
Historical Ignorance, by Walter E.Williams | Creators Syndicate
Walter Williams: An Unlikely Proponent of Secession | Mises Wire
It's time to part company – Walter E. Williams
Opinion | How Would You Like to Live in the Nation of New England? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Time for a New Declaration? - American Thinker
Quarter of Americans believe it’s time for U.S. to split into separate red, blue countries | Just The News
Is There a Solution to the Ongoing National Divide Without Actually Dividing? by Scott Morefield (townhall.com)
A Red and Blue Divorce? | Abbeville Institute
The US Constitution is a Secession Document – Red-State Secession
Is Disunion In Our Future? | Power Line (powerlineblog.com)
A two-state solution…for America - Israel National News
American breakup: secession is much closer than we think - The Spectator - news, politics, life & arts
It’s Time for a Bluexit | The New Republic
Don't like the gov't? Start a new country (wnd.com)
Democrat Rep Threatens Civil War-esq Retaliation Against Trump [Video] (redrightvideos.com)
The New Secessionists - PatriotRetort.com
The New Separatism | The American Conservative
2 ways to prevent another civil war (wnd.com)
End the Great American Myth: We Want Secession, Not Revolution - LewRockwell
Thinking About Secession - LewRockwell
Will America split in half? (wnd.com)
Is a National Split Inevitable? by Scott Morefield (townhall.com)
The Benefits of Secession Are Becoming Increasingly Obvious | Mises Wire
The United States Is Not a Nation: The Problem with "National Conservatism" | Mises Wire
Blue States Secede? Make My Day - American Thinker
Left-wing 'Nation' Ponders Secession of Democrat-run States (breitbart.com)
Was Secession Treason? | Abbeville Institute
America is over: Let’s just split into different countries | Opinion (inquirer.com)
America's Choice: Devolve or Dissolve? - Law & Liberty
Secession, From Either Left or Right | Opinion (newsweek.com)
Short of Another Great Awakening, America May Split Up ... Or Worse | The Stream
What Will It Take for Americans to Consider Breaking Up? | Mises Institute
The United States Is Not a Nation: The Problem with "National Conservatism" | Mises Wire
On Revolutions and Civil Wars - American Greatness (amgreatness.com)
America’s impending divorce - Yellowhammer News | Yellowhammer News
Secession is the Path Forward - Identity Dixie
Local NRA leader demands secession from Washington after a state gun control initiative won big – ThinkProgress
The Media Is Now Openly Pushing Secession as the Election Nears | Mises Wire
No, the Chinese Won't Invade America If Secessionists Succeed | Mises Wire
Wyoming GOP chairman floats secession after Cheney votes to impeach Trump
New York State
Cuomo declares NY independent from federal government - Capitol Confidential (timesunion.com)
New York state reps: Let's carve state up -- but with a twist (hotair.com)
Upstate secessionists ramp up efforts ahead of Democratic takeover of Legislature - Capitol Confidential (timesunion.com)
Break liberals' grip on New York by splitting state into 3 regions, Republican proposes | Fox News
These states are experiencing secession movements | Fox News
Current status of secession movements in the US – Red-State Secession Red-State Secession
Secessionist Sentiment Remains a Plurality Among Likely Voters – John Zogby Strategies
This is where the 2nd American Revolution might start – Red-State Secession
List of Prominent People who Publicly Advocated for Secession from the U.S. – Red-State Secession